Dear Parents,
This last week during our Friday assembly, we had a special time together dedicating our school's new friendship bench. One of our very own fourth grade students had the idea for the friendship bench as a place where anyone in need of a friend could go and sit. Others, seeing someone sitting on the bench, would know they needed a friend and would come and sit with them. The fourth grader who had this idea presented it to Ms. Washburn, who liked it so much that she put the plan into action. And so, our beautiful friendship bench came to be. Congratulations to the student whose idea has enriched our campus so much!
This week in fourth grade, we are having some changes in our schedule of classes. The idea is to cut down on the transitions between classes that steal valuable learning time while still giving our student the benefit of preparing for middle school by switching between multiple teachers and classes throughout the day. As a result of this change, I will be teaching 4A science now in addition to 4B science and math, but I will no longer be teaching 4B literature, Please direct all future questions regarding literature to Mr. Ohbayashi and all future questions regarding science to me.
This week in science, we will continue our study of meteorology by discussing the various layers of the atmosphere. We will also be working on the water cycle. In math, we have finally started our study of fractions! This is very exciting as fractions will be our major topic for the rest of the year.
These are all the notes I have for you this week. Please send me a message through your Jupiter Ed account if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Miss Wycklendt
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