Monday, March 21, 2016

A Week Before Easter!

Dear Parents,

Welcome back from spring break!  In our first week back I would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make our fieldtrip to the MIM a success! Thank you to the generous donors who made it possible for our students to experience the MIM for the price of bus fare! Thank to Mrs. Dixon and Mrs. Walters, our classroom parents who coordinated so many aspects of the field trip and worked so hard to communicate with all the parents! Thank you to Mr. Ohbayashi, who was responsible for coordinating much of the field trip on the school’s end.  Thank you to our parent chaperones, Mrs. Penn, Ms. Pacheco, Ms. Lipman, Mrs. Connery, Mrs. Copeland, and Mrs. Ball, who guided our students safely through bus rides, museum exhibits and lunch time! Thank  you to all of you parents who volunteered to be chaperones and were not selected in the lottery; it was encouraging to see so much support for our class! Thank you to all of the parents who joined us at the MIM and at the park; it was fun to have you!

Tuesday is our MOD Pizza fundraiser! If you purchase pizza from MOD and present the flyer sent in our school newsletter this week, a portion of your purchase will go to support our school. If you need a copy of the flyer, feel free to contact the school, and we will be happy to make sure you have one.

This week is, of course, the week before Easter. In preparation for Easter, our students have off all day on Friday. Other days will run on their normal schedule.

As you may be aware by now, our school will have state standardized tests in math and English next week. This week in math we will be learning and reviewing a few topics related to these tests. Topics will include a review of place value, a review of adding and subtracting mixed numbers, some work on patterns, and some simple geometry. In order to help the students get into the rhythm of standardized testing, homework this week will be in multiple choice format on topics related to the state test. Please be prepared to support your students in case they need a little extra help during these temporary changes.

As I have also previously mentioned, the fourth grade students have been and will continue to be reviewing for their standardized science exam. In Arizona, fourth grade students are required to take a standardized science exam. Students in other grades are not required to do so. Therefore, if you have students in more than one grade at Trivium East, only your fourth grade students will need to take a science exam. In order to reduce any sense of pressure the students may feel, the science exam will not take place next week with the math and English tests. It will take place in the fifth week of the quarter.

On a related note, the week of state tests is extremely important. Students are required to take the exams, and the school is not in full control of the exam dates. Therefore, we ask that you do not allow your students to have unexcused absences next week.. Absences due to illness, accidents, etc. are unfortunate and sometimes unavoidable, but please only allow absences that are truly necessary. Thank you.

Since we are in fourth quarter, students may now wear shorts with their uniforms. All other dress code standards remain in effect.

These are all the notes I have for you this week. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Miss Wycklendt

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