Dear Parents,
Thank you to all of you who signed up for conferences last week. It was such a joy to finally put faces to your names and communicate
directly with you about your students’ growth. Your commitment to your children’s
education is an essential component of their academic success, and it was
wonderful to see that commitment expressed by you at our meetings.
In the classroom this week, we return to our normal schedule
of four full days and one early release Wednesday. As some of you are probably
aware, we did not have science classes last week due to the half-day schedule.
This week, we will resume our daily science classes. We will continue our study
of electricity with a specific focus on the relationship between electricity
and magnetism.
In math class we continue our study of multiplication. During
our math class instruction time, we will be working on factoring, multiplying
with round numbers and performing column multiplication.
Please continue to have your students review their
multiplication flashcards three times each night. Also, please make sure you
are signing their multiplication logs. If they have lost their log, you can
always send me an email or sign a note. As I mentioned in many conferences,
knowledge of multiplication facts is essential to students’ success in
multiplication and division. For this reason, if students cannot verify that they
practiced their multiplication facts, I will be having them complete a multiplication
fact worksheet before they go out for recess. This is not meant to be a
punishment but rather a way of ensuring that they are equipped to succeed in my
We will also continue our routine of having students work on
their computer math accounts for twenty minutes each night. Twenty minutes
online and reviewing flashcards three times are going to be their assignments
every night for the at least the next several weeks, so even if your students
are absent, you can still have them log in and review flashcards.
These are the important notes for my classes this week. If
you have any further questions, concerns, or comments, please do not hesitate
to email me at
I wish you all a joyful week!
Rebecca Wycklendt
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