Monday, August 17, 2015

Welcome, Parents And Students!

Dear Parents,

Welcome! My name is Miss Wycklendt, and I am the fourth grade math and science teacher at Archway Trivium East. Along with my co-teacher and assistant, Mr. Conklin, I will be introducing your child to long division, decimals, physics, and many other exciting topics. Mr. Conklin and I are both thrilled to be here and honored by the trust you have shown by placing your child in our class.
In our culture there is a common belief that some people are simply good at math and science while others are doomed to struggle in these areas. We, however, believe that everyone can learn math and science if they are exposed to these subjects in ways that meets their needs. For this reason we are implementing a math curriculum that blends computer-based learning with one-on-one tutoring, full class instruction, and small group teaching. We will use math manipulatives and activities to allow your child to experience math in as many ways as possible.

 We will also be presenting science in a hands-on manner using frequent experiments and demonstrations. Our aim is not only to teach facts but also to light the fire of your child’s enthusiasm for both math and science.

Although we are pleased to be teaching your child, we understand that as parents, you will always be the primary educators of your child. We want to partner with you to ensure your child’s success at school. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any comments, questions, or concerns you might have.


Miss Rebecca Wycklendt, Fourth Grade Math and Science Specialist                                         

 Mr. Patrick Conklin, Fourth Grade Math and Science Co-teacher


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