Sunday, January 8, 2017

Week 19: Project Night!

Dear Parents,

After a week of half days, we will return to school full time refreshed by our break and ready to meet the demands of a new semester. The highlight of this week will be project night, this Wednesday from 6:00-7:00. I had previously announced that it would be in the MPR, but that has changed. Students will go to their own classrooms at 5:50pm to be assigned a location for their presentation by their teacher. Fourth grade students will be in one of the following three locations: the 4A classroom, the 4B classroom or the science lab. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you in which of the rooms your student will be in ahead of time because where students end up will be based upon what kind of paraphernalia they bring for their presentation and also how much space we have. You will just have to come looking for them!

As you walk through the school, please enjoy the exhibits of other grades and other students as well. Each class has been assigned a different time period for their projects, from Ancient Egypt through the Renaissance. There have also been different styles of presentation assigned to each grade level so that the night will have a lot of variation and interest to it. The students have all worked very hard on their projects, and most will be dying for a chance to share their information with someone other than their own parents or teachers. Who knows? You make learn something new!

Please note that presenting the project on Project Night is part of the student’s grade for the project. If any unfortunate circumstances should arise that would keep your student from presenting that night, please contact Mr. Ohbayashi.

The administration has asked me to post the following information on project night as well:

“Archway Trivium East would like to invite you to our Tour through History Project Night event. You will have the opportunity to meet and interact with some of the most important figures in the history of the world from ancient times through the 16th century and to celebrate the learning of our Kindergarten through 5th grade scholars.
Please plan to arrive with your scholar (in costume for 1st-5th graders) at 5:50pm. They will then report to their classrooms (3rd grade will report to the Multipurpose Room). Guests will assemble in the courtyard until 6:00 when the community will be invited to begin the Tour through History where they can visit the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, and Rome; see the symbols of our very own United States come to life; and view a museum of the Middle Ages through the Renaissance. Our scholars are excited to share their learning from Project Week and we encourage you to visit as many classrooms as you can on this evening. Plan to make your way back towards your scholar’s classroom at around 6:45 to be ready to depart from the event at 7:00.”

Also, the following is a reminder of the school’s costume policy, since the fourth and fifth graders will be dressing as their character. It is the same one we used for Literary and Historic Figure Day, and it can be found in the family handbook as well.  

“Costumes may be simple and should reflect what the historical figure would wear or look like. Everyday objects and materials that families already have around are welcome, and purchasing elaborate costumes is not required. Appropriate props are also welcome if they add to the representation of the historical figure. The same guidelines as Historical/Literary Figure Dress Up Day should be used:

·         Your costume should cover at least the same areas as the Archway polo and shorts/skirts (just above the knee).

·         Items in your costume should not have any logos on them.

·         You may wear non-uniform shoes (such as sandals), provided that they are appropriate for your character.

·         No masks, face paint, or hair dye are permitted.

·         Small props are allowed, but should be put away during class. No props that are weapons are permitted.

·         Students who do not follow the guidelines may be sent home.                
·         Gentlemen should dress up as male figures and ladies should dress up as female figures.

·         Students should be careful not to wear any costume that could be offensive to others.”

In math this quarter I am establishing a weekly notebook grade as part of each student’s grade for the quarter. Keeping a neat notebook helps students focus on their problems, spot errors, and even avoid errors before ever committing them. I have reviewed the notebook standards in class with all the students, so they all know what is expected. They will be graded according to the standards of neatness I have communicated to them on a scale of 0-10. The notebook grade includes the work they do in their notebook when working on RM at home. I will try to post a picture of a proper notebook page as well, so that you can all understand the standard by which their notebooks will be graded. For now, please just encourage them to be neat, number their problems, and leave space between the problems.

In science, we will resume our study of geology, focusing on volcanoes and natural disasters this week. Looking ahead, we will be studying the water cycle, ecology, global warming natural disaster, pollution, and a small amount of biology. Of course, these are all good topics for students to know some things about, but they are also required for the states standardized fourth grade science test.

In other news, we welcomed a new T.A., Mr. Carson Cavaletto, to our team last week. Mr. Marcoe has been transferred to fifth grade, as the fifth grade team has been in need of a T.A. for some time. While we will certainly miss having Mr. Marcoe in our classrooms, we are excited to have Mr. Cavaletto as a replacement.

These are all the notes I have for you this week. Please send me a message through your Jupiter Ed account with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.


Miss Wycklendt

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