Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Week 12

Dear Parents,

I am sorry; I completely forgot to update my blog. I wrote a blog post for you last week, but I forgot to post it until now. Here it is, a little late:

This week will be relatively uneventful at school. In science, we are continuing our study of electricity and magnetism. We are getting to the exciting part where students get bring together these topics in a study of electromagnetism. We will be using experiments, demonstrations and videos to help the students understand this mysterious topic.

In math, we will be learning about two-digit column multiplication, area and perimeter. We did start our study of two-digit column multiplication last week, and we did so by breaking these complicated problems into parts and the putting those parts together in a column. For example, with 245 x 13, we multiplied 245 by 3 first. Then we multiplied it by 10 and added the products of these problems to get the answer to 245 x 13.  I then showed the students how to put all three of these problems together into a traditional two digit column multiplication format, the same format you all learned in school. From now on, this traditional format is the format expected when students see multiplication problems where both factors have two or more digits. Most of the students understand this, but in case your student starts doing the three step process at home, feel free to correct them!

We will be having test in math and science next week. Our science test will be on electricity and magnetism. Our math test will be on factors, multiples, multiplying round numbers, and column multiplication. Study guides and more information will be included on the blog post for this upcoming weekend.

I did send home multiplication logs in an updated format this week. I hope it is now clear how students’ flashcard practice is to be recorded. Additionally, I would like to remind parents that online homework completion is being recorded as part of the students’ grades. It is not optional. Students who don’t do online homework or do very little online homework do receive zeros for missing that work, just like they would for any other assignment. I am creating a log so that parents will be able to have records of the grades assigned for online homework completion. These logs will be sent home in their Friday folders next week. Hopefully, this will ensure better communication about homework completion and what students overall grades are likely to be.

I did mention that we would be doing a geology project when we start our geology unit. That will not be for another two and a half weeks, but in case you would like to start shopping for supplies early, here is the list: 1. A can of red play-dough  2. A can of yellow play-dough  3. A can of orange play-dough  4. A can of black or brown play-dough (one or the other; not both) 5. A can of blue play-dough  6. A metal or metal-looking bead at least a ¼ inch in diameter (to be the earth’s iron core)  7. A black Sharpie for writing labels   8. A green Sharpie for drawing land masses

This week, students should be on the lesson, Formulas for the Areas and Perimeters of Squares and Rectangles in guided study, but they should not go past it. If they are still working on column multiplication or properties of multiplication, they are behind.

These are all the notes I have for you this week. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please get in touch by sending a message through your Jupiter Ed account.


Miss Wycklendt

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